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#18NTC – Connecting Before the Conference

I’m sure you’ve seen a lot of 18NTC blog posts and articles, but we are excited about (and helping you make the decision to secure your organization). Check out the rates and register here.
Networking is one of the staple words in HR and this is the perfect place to connect and network with other HR professionals, vendors, old or new friends, and possibly, a brand new city. Networking doesn’t start at the conference, it starts way before. Like right now! If you’re already registered for the SHRM18 Expand Your World Conference, it’s time to start connecting on the community board!
The conference community is the best place to connect if you’re attending SHRM18. Everyone is asking questions, finding places to meet, giving first timers information, sharing other social media platforms to connect on, and anything else you can imagine. Although I wasn’t able to make it to the outing, it had a special spot for Young Professionals who wanted to meet up during the conference. Other HR pros will be trying to find others from their state who are going and connecting that way.
You’ve probably been researching your schedule and all of the presentations you want to see, but don’t allow the presentations to put you in a blind spot. When at SHRM18 (or any event) it is important that you take the time to reach out and meet people. One of my first blog post was about the people I wanted to meet at SHRM17, check it out here. I made this list and started reaching out so it wouldn’t be as awkward, for me, when I went up to that particular person. Being an introvert can be hard, especially with this many people in this big of a space, and this is one way to help you calm those nerves. I was still able to go off and have my alone times when needed, but also still met and went out with a lot of the HR Professionals.
This year is no different, I want you to put together your list of HR Pros or Vendors that you want to engage with and make the effort to meet every single one of them. You might not be as successful as Steve Browne, but at least you won’t be as overwhelmed with the process. Who will you meet that can make an impact on not only your company, but also yourself? My company is helping pay for my accommodation, but I still have a responsibility to myself to meet people who will also help me grow individually. Remember, it’s not just about handing out business cards, it’s about making a connection. I’ll be checking back in the next few weeks to give you my list of SHRM18 HR Pros to Meet!