5 Tips to Help You Make the Most of ASAE Tech 2017
Are you getting ready for #Tech17, ASAE’s annual technology conference where association professionals gather to learn about the latest technology trends and issues? It’s coming to the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center in National Harbor, MD next week!
With so many technology conferences to choose from, ASAE Tech is the one conference that focuses on how technology has the power to influence and transform your association.Sessions are designed for and often presented by your peers from leading associations and industry experts who are sharing their experiences and insights. Digital transformation, security, data analytics, cloud, CMS, AMS, LMS, outsourced IT – it’s all being discussed and on display in the Exhibit Hall.
ATS has presented and exhibited at ASAE Tech for many years. It’s the one conference that we know we absolutely cannot miss. There’s an abundance of information and networking opportunities in two short days. We always learn something new to take back and share with our clients and partners.
Our team always learns an incredible amount, and enjoys meeting other exhibitors and technology professionals from around the country. Whether it’s your first trip to ASAE Tech, or you’re a seasoned Tech veteran, you can always get more out of the conference. Here are some tips to help you get the most value out of #Tech17.
1. Build Relationships
ASAE Tech is the time to meet new people, but it’s also a time to build up current relationships. If you know the people you want to speak with – vendors, peers, or LinkedIn connections – reach out to them now to set up a time to meet, whether for a formal meeting or just to chat during a break or networking event. If you want dedicated time with a vendor, ASAE has made it easy to schedule time via the Attendee Service Center.
2. Make the Most of the Education Sessions
Define your learning level (Foundational, Applied, Strategic). ASAE wants to give attendees the best experience, so they’ve noted the learning level of each of the sessions. Focus on what is most relevant to you by looking for the icons identifying your level of learning. There’s nothing worse than sitting in an education session that doesn’t apply to you and missing the one that does.
3. Network, Network, Network
Tech is chock full of great information, but the networking opportunities are just as valuable! Meet people from associations of all sizes who share interests or may be able to help you move forward with that next big initiative. Be sure to stop by an evening reception or two and share a drink and some food with other like-minded folks!
4. Get to Twitter
Share what you are learning at Tech with the hashtag #Tech17. Twitter is incredibly popular during the conference, and is another great way to build your and your association’s social following. It’s also an excellent way to connect with others at the conference. You can even get key points from sessions you don’t attend from others posting their takeaways!
ASAE Tech is like a holiday for association executives. We wait for this exciting event every year, but it goes by so quickly! Make the most of your time, prep a bit beforehand so you’re organized, and have an awesome Tech week!
For the latest updates from #Tech17, be sure to follow us on Twitter!
You can also schedule time to meet with our team at #Tech17 to discuss your organization’s technology needs.