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What is Continuous Security Monitoring?

What is Continuous Security Monitoring (CSM)?

In the ever-evolving arena of cybersecurity threats, the antiquated reliance on traditional security measures such as firewalls and antivirus software fails to ensure robust protection against motivated adversaries. The significance of proactive surveillance to discern precursory signs of a cyberattack cannot be understated. A vigilant approach enables the establishment of a regular network activity baseline,

ATS Employee Feature – Chris S.

Every month, ATS will share the talent and hard work that we call our team. From help-desk and NOC, to consulting, sales, application development, and more – we pause to get a little bit personal, showcasing the faces behind thetechnologysolutionswe work on each day.This month we meet ATS Security Team Lead, Chris S. What was

#18NTC – Connecting Before the Conference

I’m sure you’ve seen a lot of 18NTC blog posts and articles, but we are excited about (and helping you make the decision to secure your organization). Check out the rates and register here. Networking is one of the staple words in HR and this is the perfect place to connect and network with other HR

5 Types of Social Engineering Scams to Know

so·cial en·gi·neer·ing sōSHəl ˌenjəˈni(ə)riNG (in the context of information security) the use of deception to manipulate individuals into divulging confidential or personal information that may be used for fraudulent purposes. ‘anyone with online accounts should watch for phishing attacks and other forms of social engineering’ Phishing The leading tactic leveraged by today’s ransomware hackers, typically

4 Ways to Increase Your Organization’s Productivity and Efficiency

Inefficiency can be called by multiple names; however, regardless of the label, all lead to one damaging end: underperformance. Thankfully, there’s also a name for the solution: enterprise collaboration software. Version control issues. Information silos. Remote access challenges. And inefficient project management. At one time or another, every organization has confronted one or more of

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