How-To: Tips for a Proactive Approach to Cyber Security
Effective cyber resistance involves more than just building a wall. It involves actively monitoring, finding and neutralizing threats. Hacking tools and techniques are constantly evolving and finding new ways to worm their way unnoticed into a network. Once a malicious entity finds its way past your outer defenses, it often has free reign to set up malicious software and steal valuable information. In the face of these dangers, a proactive system of defense must be in place to neutralize both internal and external threats.
Research Reactive and Proactive Defense Systems
There are two ways to set up a cyber security system.
Reactive systems involve building a wall and hoping that nothing can get through. In the midst of a breach, a reactive system waits until someone notices the problem before addressing it. In the meantime, if the initial breach goes undetected, the malicious entity could be wreaking havoc inside the network.
Proactive systems help to start solving problems before they even exist. They recognize that breaches are inevitable and they work to discover and neutralize breaches as quickly as possible. Proactive systems actively monitor for abnormal activity. As soon as any abnormal activity is detected, the proper people are notified to determine the best course of action.
Actively Monitor for Threats
These days, it is often not a question ofif a business will face a cyber attack, but when. Effective cyber security systems are able to recognize and report abnormal activity from inside the network. The faster these threats are neutralized, the less damage is done. Less damage means more time and resources saved.
Studies show that the average time between a breach occurring and being discovered is 229 days. This is why businesses need to actively monitor their network for threats, and implementa monitoring system that will quickly recognize abnormal behavior. This will save your organization time and money spent searching for breaches.
Store Data Effectively
If you are collecting data, find ways to use it. Use your data to identify system weaknesses, high-risk areas and wasted resources. Use this knowledge to streamline your defense system to make it stronger and more efficient. Don’t wait for an attack to occur before analyzing your defenses. A proactive cyber security system works tirelessly to ensure the safety of the network. Studies have shown that 82 percent of breaches were detectable in security log files. Set up a system to monitor these files so that if a breach occurs, it will quickly be identified.
Stay Up to Date on Security Trends and Threats
There are resources online that offer examples of different types of cyber attacks. Study them, in order to be better prepared to handle them. Security threats are constantly shifting and evolving, but there are often distinct patterns and behaviors that are important to be aware of. Staying current on the evolving threats and having an order of operations established, will help reduce confusion in the face of a breach. Make sure that the proper people are notified in the proper order and that a clear chain of command has been established. Each person in the chain of command should also be aware of their responsibilities in every scenario.
From studying trends and preparing an order of operations, to actively monitoring a network – there are many different ways to develop a proactive cyber security system. Having these systems in place when a breach occurs can save your company valuable time and resources, so it is always a good idea to set up a proactive cyber security system.